Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Little Life!

Life no matter how little it is for each one of us but still holds its prominence, value and profound importance to manage it in some way or the other. Carrying on with new challenges by every passing minute and striving for a better tomorrow for ourselves and our next generations is the innate desire we all hold in common.

Suffering and putting efforts to come out of these sufferings is a consistent process. We try to figure out the reasons of our sufferings but sometimes we fail to understand them or we overcome them by our inner power of soul which keeps us telling that we can do it.

None of us is aware of our tomorrow, whether what type of new opportunities and challenges are coming our way now, nor we have the capacity to change our past. However, past holds its worthwhile experiences in itself to train us to be better off today, its was our greatest teacher provided we learn lessons all the time.

Today is the time and moment we have in our hands which is asking us to live it completely, wholeheartedly, happily and keep taking our chances in life.

Unfortunately, majority of individuals keep looking into their past and regret what they have done or lost, rest  keep planning and spending long hours for making their future better or even the best without realizing and understanding that whether they will be able to live tomorrow or not. So dear all! your answer is that live in today only, stop regretting your past, nor waste all your energies in future planning, do plan but not at the cost of losing your precious moments and opportunities in hand today.

Love yourself, love your feelings, your emotions, keep dreaming and keep moving on forward by taking a single step each day. Remember! SLOW AND STEADY ALWAYS WINS THE RACE.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Oh My God! These Copy Cats

Copying and imitating is one of the fundamental learning trait of human beings. A young child keeps on imitating all those around him/her to learn and this adds to his knowledge and experience throughout life.

Although, this process of imitation is never bad or negative however sometimes its bothering if it cross its limits and intrude other person's privacy.

In the contemporary world of business, marketing, competition and branding this impersonator process takes unnecessary advantage and leads to intrusion in other's business privacy and stealing copy rights, which is a crime in business world.

On the other hand, in universities, colleges and schools as well this natural and fundamental trait of learning is again misused by copying peer's assignments, stealing class fellows notes, cheating and finally leading to academic dishonesty (Plagiarism) is again unethical and considered a crime. Moreover, it doesn't lead such cheaters anywhere however it spoils their academic career and hinders their natural learning process.

There are some added dimensions to this process of imitation or impressionists, such habit of copying made them follow the footsteps without thinking themselves whether we are going in the right direction or not. These copy cats usually don't rely on their thinking power to differentiate between right and wrong and keep following blindly whom they consider as right according to their superficial criterion. Consequently, leading them towards failure or problems which have no solutions because each person has his/her own life situations and issues, therefore they need to be addressed differently.