Thursday, November 21, 2013

Serve For Being Enlightened!

One of the greatest innate desire of a human being is to serve, deliver, assist and guide those who don't know or are less able to perform. Hence, if we notice and observe even from early childhood we can clearly see that elder brothers and sisters keep on helping their younger siblings to improve and do good. This gives them a feeling of satisfaction, contentment as well as a motivation to improve their own performance levels. 

When we reach adulthood we feel happy of telling others to improve even in small things in life, at the same time keep asking friends, family members and colleagues to guide us in our tasks plus we also imitate others for improvement too. This is how our mutual learning and serving go hand in hand throughout the journey of our life and its a never ending process too. 

Learning adds value to our life and brings credibility along with us to our profiles. While serving brings to us inner satisfaction and contentment. Providing a helping hand to others, providing opportunities to others to live a better life with confidence, hope and trust enables our soul to live peacefully in this world. Peace of mind and heart is a kind of feeling which is not only precious but immortal. 

Providing solutions to juniors at workplaces, guidance to our followers as leaders of today and tomorrow are some of the golden traits of human kind which distinguishes humanity from all other creations as the best of all. However, animals and other living creatures also possess kindness towards others and look for love and affection too like us. But the best role modeling examples are always seen among humans like Mother Teresa, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and a long list of many such role models who have sacrificed their whole lives for the betterment of humanity through their consistent serving nature for their fellow beings.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Power Of Intuition!

Intuition is one of the most powerful invisible intelligence lying inside each one of us. We are all the most intelligent creations as far as our power of intuition is concerned. However, most of us never trust this secret power inside us which is certainly trustworthy. 

Our troubles, problems, impediments and fears most of the time occupy our minds and keep sending us signals that never let us get out of our cage of inhibitions, therefore we remain entangled during our life journey into them and never become insightful to feel the presence of this powerful intuition tool inside our soul.
Nevertheless, people who trust their inner essence of powerful intuition remain content and achieve their ambitions more successfully. They take their chances in life, keep following their courses of learning experiences and motivations leading them towards success. Such personalities are our role models in life, they inspire us for better life indeed which we all certainly deserve. 

Keep inflicting upon yourself that we are better and blessed ones, we need to be thankful for all what we have and using, therefore we deserve much better every time. We are all good from inside because we are created for good in this world, not for bad, not for worst so why bad and worst bother us and inhibit us from doing good, creating and thinking good, proving ourselves to be great, performing to be the best, self actualize to be the most invincible among all other creations.

Listen to your inner voice, give it a good hearing, believe in it and start following it. You will see how the whole world has changed for you now, your feet are moving with confidence, passion and light in your eyes which can see the unseen with a vivid eye. Huge problems and issues have turned into minor ones, small issues have no meaning now for you, solutions are at your finger tips, your soul is touching your thinking power and invigorating it with hopes, new ideas, new emotions, fresh feelings of an enduring light within you.

Now you are born again! A new person with new hopes and a new life to live and possess a vision for a better tomorrow, your horizon is crystal clear in front of you and in this light you are leading towards success and an empowered you. 

Lets have a born again experience! I already had it, its really amazing and keeps me at the top of the world all the time. Wish you all enjoy and live your new life with this exemplary feeling forever.