Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Change! Its Always Better

Change is inevitable in life, no matter at what age, time, place or situation we are in. Change takes us towards improving and bringing new horizons of options, opportunities and platforms for us to present ourselves as the most anxious creatures on the planet earth. 

As a child we keep struggling to experiment new chores everyday in order to invent a new beginning for ourselves. Being an adolescent we try to prove our identity as a worthwhile being by digging new hopes and holding our heads high to reach out for the new enlightening standards created by our thoughts processes. Hence, we welcome changes and look forward for more all the time. 

Turning into an adult has its own intoxication which fulfills our hearts and minds with extreme passion, creativity, constructing new ideas and plans for a valuable and credible future. Middle age brings its commendable passion to overcome all the barriers and look for extreme socialization, empowerment, freedom, enthusiasm to create best possible solutions for ourselves and others as well. 

This is a flamboyant picture of our life journey which comprises of small and large scale changes. Either these change processes develops us into a complete soul with profound and overwhelming human being. On the contrary, these changes could be fatal sometimes as well for ourselves, however we cannot stop them from pouring into our lives like rain drops coming down towards us from clouds.

Since changes are never in our complete control therefore we need to take them as new avenues of opportunities for improving ourselves for better change tomorrow. We need to think positive, build better plans, create better living conditions, better work plans, better education plans, better health plans, improved budget plans etc for our overall healthy and positive approach towards life. 

Once we all realize and understand that soul of every change in itself lies very much indeed in our motivation towards improvement not only for ourselves but for all those around us, for our valuable friends, people who love us, for our lovely parents who devoted their prime years for us, for our children who are our future, for our colleagues whose support is always required to perform, and for all those fellow beings who might not know us today but might come into our lives tomorrow, this turns us into a real human soul.

So no matter how resistant you feel towards changing, but its inevitable so its better to take it as an opportunity for betterment always. I believe change is always better option! Do you? 


  1. So rightly said (and beautifully written).

  2. Yes, I do. Change is life. We can't evolve without change, no matter it is positive or negative. However, may God save us from negative or harmful changes.

  3. Thanks for your precious comments, these help me write more and better in each new post.
