Sunday, February 2, 2014

Is Daughter A Better Option?

Parents love their children naturally. Another natural inclination is also evident and prevails in families that mothers love is more inclined towards her son and father for his daughters, perhaps one of the reason could be opposites always attract phenomenon. Whatever the case may be love for children by their parents dominates our society in every society at large irrespective of any geographical and demographic settings. 

However, beneath this natural parental love and affection some of the societal and cultural trends also depict that parents sometimes have prejudiced behaviors and attitudes towards their daughters preferably unlike their sons. For example, parents always prefer to provide better education, better food, better living and comfortable position to their sons and as far as the case of daughters is concerned they compromise on education, food and other amenities of life which are equal right of both genders. 

In addition, parents feel more secure investing their time and money on sons but not on their daughters. The question arises why these prejudiced behaviors are still part of our culture especially in Asian and Muslim cultures? Why parents prefer to invest more on sons than on daughters, no matter how intelligent or smart their daughters could be. These are some of the silent and unknown aspects lying in our society and still prevalent in this technologically advanced era of 21st century. 

Another aspect I would like to highlight is that if a daughter loves to study, conduct her business, or wants to acquire a job of her choice she has to face resistance from her family. Parents never think of investing in their daughter's business instead would feel proud and happy to invest in their sons business, why? This dark side of our society need to be highlighted in our community especially among the educated elite who are still living with their past prejudiced norms and beliefs. 

The only option parents prefer for their daughters is to wed her off without sometimes bothering themselves to realize whether the new in laws family is a suitable match for her or not, is the boy enough educated, does he possess sound moral character towards his own parents and other family members before taking the responsibility of his wife etc.

The sons on whom parents invest their life time earnings sometimes dishonor their parents, nor acknowledge their parents efforts for them unlike daughters who always remain sincere to serve their parents even if they are living with their husband. This is an evident fact. 

We all as parents of daughters need to ponder now to reflect on our roles in the modern age. Societal trends should not rule our behaviors and attitudes towards our children whether son or daughter. On the contrary, we have to provide equal opportunities to our daughters and sons. Daughters have equal rights towards their parents just like their brothers enjoys while residing with their parents. They need to be provided with best education, best lifestyle, comfortable and peace of mind, caring environment to feel secure and love. 


Take good care of your daughters they are the most beautiful blessing in this world to her parents. Love them, cherish them, cuddle them, take best care of them and empower them to be better individuals of society at large. 

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