Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Story of Life

Our lives takes twists and turns throughout its journey, and each turn brings to us a new experience, a new hope, sometimes joys but sometimes sorrows too. We all live our stories of life.

Each one of us are connected with our life stories in some way or the other. We usually keep protecting ourselves behind our stories too. Our life stories are unique because we are unique as individuals too. These stories can be imaginary or real. Imaginary stories are our own self perceptions, but the real life stories are comprised of our life experiences we pass through during life. 
The most unique part about these life stories are that we love to share them with others. However, we determine with whom we are going to share our story. Human beings are connected with each other through these stories too. Whenever we share our story with another person he or she also has a life story too. Fortunately, once we discuss our life story the other person also erupts and tell us about their unique life story. This way two different individuals get connected and if they have a common story they become friends, lovers, mentors, or our counselors. 
These life stories are extremely powerful tools to help us understand life, learn lessons, empowers us to develop hope, builds our confidence, create a vision, determine our future goals, and help us plan to be better human beings eventually.

Actually, our life story is the reflection of all those moments which we have lived, irrespective whether good or bad. The happy moments are our privileges, and blessings. On the contrary, our sad moments were the ones which made us strong and empowered us to move on in life.

Story of life does hold in itself our true self. They make us shine among our fellow human beings provided we transform our life stories into a learning opportunity, a stepping stone to move forward, a confident move to create our vision, an intimate moment to share and bring new souls closer. 

We all must build our positive life stories no matter what our life brings to us in each passing moment. Develop ourselves as better individuals to improve and inspire others to let them stand on their feet after every fall. Eventually, we all have a huge treasure of beautiful and successful life stories in our account of life that we love to share, explore, and pave a road to success for our own life journey. 

Dare to share your story of your life! 

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