Monday, December 17, 2012

Two Educations

Life has always been a challenge for each individual provided he/she understand and realize the value of this challenge by every passing moment. Each single day in our life begins with new discoveries, experiences, problems, solutions and events which add to our life valuable new dimensions for further exploration. 

Since the creation of human being on the face of this earth education has been considered inevitable to build and transform human potential into beneficial creation. Fortunately, human society has gone through a giant leap through technology influx. Technology has almost minimized the distances and we are now residing in a global world operational through our finger tips. However, very unfortunately this contemporary global civilization has also become a source of tense, frustrated, devastated and trenchant for humanity as a whole. 

The significant question arises here, what is wrong? What went wrong and where? Well, if education is fundamental human right and readily available to most of the population through influx of technology etc than why our societies are in rage? Is something wrong with our education system? Is something missing in our education? Why, at the end of the day we are still unable to achieve through education the desired objectives? What education means actually?

Education is delivered primarily to fulfill the sole objective of transformation of human character into a balanced and civilized human being of society, who knows how to make living, and how to live? 

This addresses to the need of 'TWO EDUCATIONS', which is definitely somewhere missing in our homes the first learning place of a child, than our school curriculum, among teachers, educational leaders, and our parents. Each dimension mentioned here has a pivotal role in child development when he/she is passing through different phases of life cycle. 

Parents role doesn't end by giving birth to the child rather they need to monitor each activity of their son/daughter like where they are going? Who are his/her friends? What is he/she is doing with money? What is he/she watching on media etc? Sitting down and communicating with them, providing them a fair chance of speaking and ensuring them that you as a parent are always there for them. Together, if parents build a trust between themselves and show this to their children that they are united no matter how many differences you have will keep the family always intact. Remember, if children are not saying anything doesn't mean they don't know, actually they are watching you. Be a role model for your children to turn them into star kids of tomorrow. 

School curriculum and culture must provide healthy platform of learning, performance and opportunities to students where not only they enjoy their educational process but at the same time build confidence, self respect and self esteem. At the same time, each activity must be properly monitored and evaluated. 

Society in east and west differ to a great extent from each other. Family structure in east is still quite intact and both genders prefer to establish family system therefore rules must prevail to keep it unimpaired. While in west family system is almost crushed and single parent, or living without parents is no more strange. 

Children are created to be taught by adults, their mistakes need correction, they need guidance, their energies need to be channelized. Consequently, leading us to the divine guidance which is present in the form of religion. 

Religion without proclaiming it any name all hold its divine injunctions to transform human character. Making living and how to live? are best inculcated through religion provided we contemplate and learn lesson from our previous mistakes. 

Recently, the brutal killing of 20 innocent children and 6 adults belonging to the noble cause of education is an eye opener for all of us irrespective of our race, caste, creed, religion or geographical boundaries. We as parents, teachers, educationists and above all human beings at large must not ignore this activity which is conducted by a student himself, whose life and activities were certainly not monitored by his parents, friends, school and law enforcement agencies of USA. 

Subsequently, 'TWO EDUCATIONS' is the critical need of the hour in our societies. We must create platforms for counselling students, teachers, parents where these needs should be addressed and identified to provide remedial solutions.

 Education being the social science addresses our social, emotional, physical and spiritual paucity. Providing healthy social and cultural activities to educational stakeholders is definitely beneficial. Students must be taken out of their rooms and involve them in hands on activities of learning instead of confining them inside playing violent video games, watching wrestling, movies promoting violence and killing leading to frustration, depression and aggression. 

Opportunities of healthy growth and development is at our doorstep, its a matter of just exploring new options, new lifestyle, exercise, and communication with those whom we trust. Lets join hands together to fight against this violence among our youth. We being educationists are agents of change. 


  1. A very insightful post! You are absolutely right in your stance; we not only need to prepare them for their professional lives but also teach them how to live a healthy and enjoyable life. Learning "How to deal with life" is the real education.

    1. We need to focus our attention on our coming generation especially children because they are innocent beings and are extremely adaptable to learn and change.

  2. There was nothing wrong with the education system of the country before ZA Bhutto came into power. He was the one who pulverized the entire system. The system went further stagnated or diminished when the Draconian regime of Zia further blew off the remnants of our education system. The destruction was not only restricted to education system it also fractured our society to an extent where we became intolerable for each other. It was the same society and education system where for parents the respect of a teacher was supreme , the same people and society produced thinkers , writers, innovators and leaders.Now, why there is a void? The simple answer, if we start from our homes, we have two sets one for parents and second for kids.We hide, we cheat, we bribe and we falsified.In schools, may it be private or public owned, there is no stress on character building or on morality. It is all finesse, dodge,avoidance and fashion.So we are not only bluffing or putting our heads in the sand but also becoming a tool to dismantle this already crumbling society. From the day start we eye others but what we do ourselves, we do not know. JFK said once " do not ask what country has done for you ask what you have done for the country".Regards

    1. Thank you very much for your valued comment, you took out time for commenting. Children are agents of change, no matter how many negative elements prevail in our society we still need to move on and keep delivering our message. Children are the most innocent beings and extremely adaptable towards learning and change so keep working on them. Each family can contribute their share. regards

    2. I gloat when find children from middle class excel.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot for your appreciation and encouragement, your precious feedback will certainly help for improvement.
