Thursday, February 21, 2013

Virtue Of Innocence, Not Found!

Innocence is a kind of virtue, generally speaking we relate with babies, kids and children. No doubt, a baby is born innocent and remain so for many years due to his/her innocent habits, behaviors and attitude in life.

With the passage of time we grow up into individuals with our own mindsets, particular personality traits and attitudes towards life and fellow beings. The factor of innocence withers away gradually from our life and we tend to turn ourselves into clever, misleading and controversial personality. Why? Do we have time to ponder why this has happened to us whether intentionally or unintentionally due to circumstances around us or whatever may be the cause.

This righteousness need our serious attention. Being simple, kind at heart, care and love for humanity, sincerity towards our responsibilities, honesty in our dealings, love in our relationships seems to be some ancient tales to our ears.

Trying to get hold of others belongings, snatching, showing dis-respect, lying, misleading others, misusing others things, using others belongings without permission are some of the common phenomena portrayed with great confidence.

Lets question ourselves, are we no more humans? What's the difference between us and animals? Rather, animals are better of than us, at least they don't deceive each other but we being well educated humans do and feel happy about it.

Despite, all this negativity among us, still human beings are created for good and good is expected of them in life especially towards their other fellow beings. If we are not meant for this than why we are damaging our credibility in such wrong doings, why not correct ourselves before its too late.

What is harmful for others is actually first harmful for ourselves, so lets quit all these habits and focus on supporting those who need our support in some way or the other, show respect to young and old without any distinction and even towards our helpers in homes, offices and around us. Always take permission before using someone else things, avoid misuse of things being given in our custody we are responsible for them.

Consequently, we will notice that we are again pure, simple and our precious innocence is back in our hearts and minds. People have started loving us more, we are more desirable than others, everyone is looking towards us for suggestions and guidance, parents pray more for us, our kids love us more and show us more respect.

Finally, our virtue of innocence is very much inside us, we are again alive and living righteously which is the ultimate success of a human being. Lets promise to ourselves to be Innocent Again!


  1. Very beautiful babies pictures no doubt they have virtue of innoccence

  2. Great article completely agree with you . I wish i had something more insightful to see but you have pretty much covered it all here.

    1. Thanks a lot, this comment definitely help me in improving my posts.

  3. Yes, Ayesha, let's be innocent again! Actually, we have forgotten our real values.

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