Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Dreams My Goals!

Dreams are not just confined to those images, sensations and thoughts which we envision during our sleep rather dreams are also all those ambitions, driving forces, desires and motivations which we hold during our life to attain success. We keep following our dreams to achieve success and be recognized, acknowledged and known among our fellow beings.

Dreams provide us a new hope with every new sunrise and bring in new challenges, opportunities to learn and grow, new dimensions to plan and progress. These dreams always keep us on our toes, even though we fall, make mistakes, get tired and lose hope sometimes but still these dreams keep us connected with our goals.

Being human being we all have our dreams, like being a student your dreams could be to attain higher grades in exams, win the match, be the best student in class/school, get most attention from parents, friends and teachers etc. But as we move on in life and grow older our dreams tend to change. Older dreams disappear and new dreams take their place.

Our whole life goes through different stages e.g. childhood, teenage, adulthood, middle age and then finally we enter into old age. If we observe closely we realize and understand that each one of us irrespective of age group, gender and class we have our plans, objectives, ambitions to lead us through the life journey. There are also those who don’t have any particular set goal or dream in their life but they do hold some type of short term plans to pursue on either day to day basis or may be for some more time. It depends on our own personality that how much bigger picture we can see ahead to move on in life, therefore each one of us have different dreams and goals. One dream may be most important for you but it might not be of same importance for another person.

Our dreams and goals always give us reasons to live, feel, enjoy, understand, manage, boost our confidence and lead towards a better future. Now you must be thinking that if we all have such dreams and goals in life than there must be some ways to achieve them. Obviously, there are steps to achieve and fulfill our dreams. Let us try to figure out these various steps to achieve our dreams and goals of life. 

Steps to achieve your dreams or goals in life:
 Setting the goal is the first step for turning the invisible into visible.
  Make a plan to achieve your goal.      
      Start getting work on your goal
 Stick to your goal in all circumstances
  Finally you reach your goal

Keep in mind few important things while starting off with your dream goals. Your goals should always be SMART goals, which means they should be:

S: Specific   (be specific about your goal i.e. What you want to achieve?)
M: Measurable  ( how much you effort you have to put in to achieve it etc)
A: Achievable (break up your goal into small steps to make it achievable)
R: Realistic ( goals should be based on reality considering your resources, family, money etc)
T: Time bound (give your goal a time frame or deadline)

Having dreams is natural but sticking to your dream and working on it is the only way to achieve your dream goal. Keep dreaming and keep striving to achieve them you have the right to live your life the way you deserve it. Good luck to you to accomplish your dreams. 

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