Saturday, June 30, 2018

Aspire To Inspire

Aspiration is an intention to direct one’s hopes and ambitions towards a higher level of achievement in life. An aspiration leads us towards becoming an inspiration for all those around us. 
Let’s focus our attention on the difference between aspiration and inspiration. Well, inspiration is mainly about external source, and it refers to an act of making someone to do something, while aspire is a desire or ambition to achieve something, and it is focused towards internal source.

          Aspiring is an intrinsic motivation. All humans possess the innate motivation to perform, to show, getting acknowledged, remembered after they depart from this world. Generally, people aspire about achieving higher goals like acquiring higher education, better jobs or career for themselves, owning a house, a nice car of their choice. However, choices vary from person to person. 

However, there are few unique souls who aspire to be better individuals, serve their fellow human beings, and their society at large. They consistently strive for a better tomorrow, even though they have to participate by conducting voluntary efforts through thick and thin. Sometimes, these aspiring individuals are short of their own resources, but such obstacles never stop them from offering their services, because their aim is to serve, and serve their best no matter what price they have to pay for it. 
Unfortunately, we sometimes ignore such people. Although, they are found in our families, among our friends or relatives, but we never acknowledge their efforts, their courage, and their precious moments. Their selfless efforts usually remain unacknowledged by our community. 

In this era of selfishness, and busy life style, its hard to find trustworthy, honest, and sincere people around us. Hence, it is important that we identify such individuals, organizations, and groups who aspire to inspire all those around them. 
Sometimes, we find such selfless souls at our workplaces, in our teams, in school, and even inside are very homes. Mother is a very good example of such aspiring ones. Mothers are intrinsically motivated to help, assist, mentor and guide her children at all times. Next could be fathers, our teachers and even our grandparents are all those aspiring individuals around us, whom we must get our inspiration from to be better individuals ourselves. 
Aspire to inspire has always been the best part of us. We all need to aspire for something or the other, irrespective of the type of dreams we plan to pursue. However, aspiring to be an inspiration certainly, always require to go an extra mile. 
I aspire to inspire as a teacher, a mentor, a guide and as a motivational speaker for my children, my students, family, friends, colleagues, coworkers, and above all my fellow human beings. 



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